Sri Lanka Canada Business Council is mandated to provide a Structured Forum for the Sri Lanka Business Community, promote Bilateral Trade and Investment activities between Sri Lanka & Canada.
It is also mandated to Embrace Social Responsibility as Good Corporate Citizen,
SLCBC received a request from the Rotary Club of Colombo of Metropolitan to partner them in sponsoring a Child for Surgery.
Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) are defects on the heart that often occur during the formation of the fetal heart and in major blood vessels. In Sri Lanka, 3000 children are born each year with CHD. 1500 – 1800 of these children will receive the much-needed life changing heart surgery or interventions many of which are managed and treated locally at Sri Lanka’s Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children.
In 2020, the Rotary Club of Colombo Metropolitan (RCCM), aided by the support of generous donors around the world raised over $ 115,000 USD (amounting to approximately Rs. 23,000,000 LKR) and helped change the lives of 54 children affected by CHD by facilitating the cost to undergo Atrial Septal Defect Surgery (ASD) which would save their lives.
SLCBC members had the wonderful opportunity to Save a child’s life. Our donation will be of direct benefit to a child on Lady Ridgeway Hospital’s waiting list, giving them a life altering chance to be undergo ASD surgery which may lead to a normal and healthy adult life.

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